Internet Socity NGO

History of the Internet Society – in Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia

Internet Society (NGO) was granted the right to manage the two-letter domain “.am,” representing Armenia’s address on the Internet thirty years ago.

Since its establishment on August 4, 1994, the organization has focused on developing domain names and Internet infrastructure. Today, ISOC Armenia represents the country as a reliable partner to international organizations that shape Internet governance policies and drive technological progress.

To ensure that Armenia’s technological capabilities align with global trends, Internet Society NGO  has actively participated in international projects, adapting them into annual local events. Additionally, the organization develops and implements its own initiatives focused on education, awareness, digital management, and the growth of Armenian digital content.

You can find more information about Internet Society NGO on Wikipedia, which features an article developed as part of the WikiHay initiative. This campaign, celebrating the 30th anniversary of .am and Internet Society NGO, also includes 100 articles covering IT-related concepts, individuals, and organizations.
