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Board Chair of “Internet Society” NGO, Head of AmNIC
Board Chair of “Internet Society” NGO, Head of AmNIC
Board Chair of “Internet Society” NGO since 1994.
Head of AMNIC.
Graduated from Yerevan Polytechnic Institute in 1962.
From 1968 to 1971 he studied at the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers.
Candidate of technical sciences since 1972.
The Head of Department of Yerevan Mathematical Machines Research Institute in 1972-1992.
From 1993-2010 worked at the American University of Armenia as Director of the Computer department.
In 1993 he participated in INET-93 Internet Governance Courses in San Francisco, where he received a degree in Internet Governance.
In 1993, together with a group of like-minded people, he founded the “Internet Society” NGO.
Head of the administrative contact for Armenian domain names, AMNIC.
Represents the Armenian domain names in IANA (ICANN). AMNIC also represents the Armenian Internet Registry in CENTR, in ccNSO, in RIPE NCC and in APNIC.
Maintains the chronicle.isoc.am website, which is the activity news feed of “ Internet Society” NGO.
Vice-Chair of "Internet Society" NGO, Director “WEB” LLC
Vice-Chair of "Internet Society" NGO, Director “WEB” LLC
Vice Chair of “Internet Society” NGO Board since 1998.
Member of ArmIGF interdepartmental group.
Graduated from Yerevan State University and postgraduate studies of Moscow Lomonosov State University.
He is one of the co-founders and current director of "VEB"LLC , one of the first companies providing Internet services in Armenia.
He is one of the co-founders of the Armenian internet traffic exchange "Armix" and the current president.
Vice-Chair of “Internet Society” NGO, Founding-Director of ARMIX Foundation
Vice-Chair of “Internet Society” NGO, Founding-Director of ARMIX Foundation
Member of “Internet Society” NGO since 2010, Board member of “Internet Society” NGO since 2016, Board Vice-Chair of “Internet Society” NGO since 2021.
Interdepartmental group member of IGF of the Republic of Armenia.
Graduated from Armenian-Russian University, school courses of Maastricht School of Management and Harvard John F. Kennedy School.
He is a Founding-Director of "Armix'' Foundation 2010.
Deputy Director of the Union of Information Technology Enterprises.
Founder-director of "Union of Operators of Armenia" NGO.
Director of External Relations at the RIPE NCC for Caucasus and Central Asia region.
President of the Armenian Alumni Association the Netherlands, Vice Chair of the ISOC Internet of Things Special Interest Group, Board member of “Internet Society Armenia Chapter” NGO as well as a member of IGC.
Vice Chair of “Internet Society” NGO, Director of “Internet Technology Center” Ltd.
Vice Chair of “Internet Society” NGO, Director of “Internet Technology Center” Ltd.
Board member of “Internet Society” NGO since 2019.
Head of staff of “Internet Technology Center” Ltd from 2020, Director of the same Company from 2022.
Interdepartmental group member of IGF of the Republic of Armenia.
Graduated from “Davit Anhaght” private university in 1995․
Board member of “Internet Society Armenia Chapter” NGO since 2020.
Has been working on domain name registration since 2010.
Participated in many local and international events, as well as has been the co-organizer of a number of events ArmSIG, N2Forum, Girls in ICT since 2019.
An advisor to the Representation of Armenia in the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) of ICANN since 2019.
Multiple participants of ICANN and RIPE NCC Fellowship programs.
Director of "Internet Society" NGO, Executive Director, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Armenia
Director of "Internet Society" NGO, Executive Director, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Armenia
Board member of “Internet Society” NGO since 2013.
Director of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Armenia since 2014.
Graduated from Yerevan Institute of National Economy.
General Director of “ARMINCO”” LLC from 2011 to 2014.
Deputy Minister of Transport and Communication of the Republic of Armenia from 2011 to 2014.
In 1989 he was awarded a Letter of gratitude from the Chamber of Commerce International Private Center, Washington-USA.
In 2005 he was awarded a letter of gratitude by the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, in 2009 with the gold medal of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Armenia.
He was awarded the Anania Shirakatsi medal in 2011.
Board member of "Internet Society" NGO, Administrator, Armenian Network Information Center (AMNIC)
Board member of "Internet Society" NGO, Administrator, Armenian Network Information Center (AMNIC)
Board member of “Internet Society” NGO since 2002.
Administrator of the Armenian Network Information Center (AMNIC), the Registry of “.am” and “.հայ” domain name zones.
In 1986-1991 she worked at All-union Institute of Applied Automated Systems, where she established the first package connection with the global networks working with x.25 protocol as a junior researcher.
Worked in “Arminco” LLC since its establishment.
Participated in the establishment of the “Armenian Internet Users Group” NGO as a representative of the Internet community of the Republic of Armenia.
After the establishment of Registrars Institute she ensured the cooperation between “Internet Society” NGO and Registrars.
Board member of "Internet Society" NGO, IT Deputy Director, “Arpinet” LLC
Board member of "Internet Society" NGO, IT Deputy Director, “Arpinet” LLC
Has been a member of “Internet Society” NGO since 2016, Board member of “Internet Society” NGO since 2019.
Has been involved in the Technical group of “Internet Society” NGO since 2020.
Graduated Armenian State University of Economics.
“Armanian Nuclear Power Plant” CJSC 2005-2011.
“Arpinet” LLC technical Director since 2011.
IT Deputy Director of “Arpinet” LLC since 2021.
Board member of "Internet Society" NGO, Technical Director, “CrossNet” LLC
Board member of "Internet Society" NGO, Technical Director, “CrossNet” LLC
Member of “Internet Society” NGO since 2006, Board member of “Internet Society” NGO since 2009.
In 1993 graduated from Minsk State Higher Aviation College and State Engineering University of Armenia in 2007.
Technical Director of “CrossNet” LLC since 2002.
Technical specialist of “Internet technology Center” LLC since 2019.
Professional experience in the IT field started in 2007.
Board member of "Internet Society" NGO, VBET Executive Director
Board member of "Internet Society" NGO, VBET Executive Director
Member of “Internet Society” NGO since 2009, Board member of “Internet Society” NGO since 2019.
Graduated from Armenian-Russian University.
System Administrator of “Griar Telecom”LLC since 2008 and later as a Director of the same Company since 2012.
System Administrator of “Arminco”LLC since 2010.
Head of technical department of ‘ABCDomein” LLC the largest Registrar in Armenia since 2010.
Network Administrator at “HyperSpace” LLC since 2015.
Technical Director at “SOFT Construct” LLC since 2016.
An Executive Director of VBET since 2021.
Board member of "Internet Society" NGO, Director “ABCDomain” LLC,
Board member of "Internet Society" NGO, Director “ABCDomain” LLC,
Board Vice Chair of “Internet Society” NGO since 1998.
Director of “ABCDomain” LLC․
Since 2014 a Secretary of IGC (Internet Governance Council) of the Republic of Armenia.
Graduated from Yerevan Polytechnic Institute.
Team coordinator of CERT.AM in “.am” and “․հայ” domain name zones.
Since 2004 he has been teaching at the Armenian-Russian University.
Working as the Technical Director of “Arminco” LLC in 1993 he organized the first TCP/IP protocol Internet connection in Armenia.
He participated in the establishment of the “Armenian Internet Users Group” NGO.
Working in the Government of the Republic of Armenia as the Deputy Head of IT and Telecommunication Department, participated in the work of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) as a representative of the Republic of Armenia, later as an expert.
Together with the Ministry of Transport and Communication of the Republic of Armenia initiated the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the “Internet Society” NGO and the Ministry of Transport and Communication of the Republic of Armenia, the formation of the IGC and signing of Memorandum of Understanding between MTCIT and ICANN.
Board member of “Internet Society” NGO, Executive Director of “INFOSEC” LLC
Board member of “Internet Society” NGO, Executive Director of “INFOSEC” LLC
Member of “Internet Society” NGO since 2006.
“Arminco” LLC- Network administrator 2003-2007.
“Arminco” LLC – Cyber Security Specialist 2007-2009.
“ABC Domain” LLC – Cyber Security Expert 2009-2011.
”Ucom” LLC – Information Security Director 2011-2020.
“Tashir Group” – Head of Information Security 2020-2023.
“INFOSEC” LLC – Director since 2021.
Board member of "Internet Society" NGO, Manager of external relations of “Internet Society” NGO
Board member of "Internet Society" NGO, Manager of external relations of “Internet Society” NGO
Manager of external relations of “Internet Society” NGO since 2022.
Member of “Internet Society” NGO since 2016, Board member of “Internet Society” NGO since 2021.
Board member of “Internet Society Armenia Chapter” NGO since 2020.
Graduated from the Armenian Agricultural Academy in 2000.
She has been involved in the Domain Name registration business since 2015.
In 2017-2019 worked as a Director at “Regnest” Company, Project manager at “Global AM”, fellow for ICANN Fellowship and multiple participant of NASIG (North American Internet Governance School) programs.
She participated as a trainee in “Shaping the Internet” and “Encription” programs organized by the Internet Society (Global ISOC).
Working group member of Universal Acceptance, At-Large Social Media Working Group.
Member of the SEEDING Internet Governance Digital Policy Development (SEEsummary) editors.
Within the framework of "N2Forum", volunteer for organizational work in 2019.
Board member of “Internet Society” NGO, AMNIC information administrator
Board member of “Internet Society” NGO, AMNIC information administrator
GNC Alfa-GJSC – Head of network management department.
IT technical advisor to the General Director of Digitain.
Graduated from Yerevan State Engineering University.
Board member of “Internet Society” NGO, Chief Accountant of “Internet Technology Center” LLC
Board member of “Internet Society” NGO, Chief Accountant of “Internet Technology Center” LLC
Founding member of “Internet Society Armenia Chapter” PO. Vice Chair of the Board since 2023.
“Internet Technology Center” LLC, Chief accountant since 2003.
Member of “Internet Society” NGO since 2003.
“Internet Society Armenia Chapter” PO, accountant since 2018.
Participates in organizational activities of events implemented and initiated by the Organization.
Board member of "Internet Society" NGO, Fellowship Program Manager, ICANN
Board member of "Internet Society" NGO, Fellowship Program Manager, ICANN
Board member of “Internet Society” NGO since 2013.
Member of “Internet Society” NGO since 2011.
Graduated from Linguistic University after V. Brusov, is the plaintiff of NAS.
Completed the IG skills development course in 2007.
Diplo Foundation Alumini, “IG Capacity Buulding Training” Program, the Alumini of the First European Summer School on IG, ISOC Collaborative Leadership Exchange program Alumini.
Fellowship Program Manager at ICANN.
Chair of the Asian, Australian and Pacific Islands Regional At-Large Organization (APRALO) in ICANN.
Involved in IG issues since 2007.
Participant of ICANN Fellowship program, ISOC Ambassador for IGF 2010 and Returning Ambassador for IGF 2011.
Board member of "Internet Society" NGO, Chair of the Board, ISOC Armenia Chapter
Board member of "Internet Society" NGO, Chair of the Board, ISOC Armenia Chapter
Founding member of “Internet Society Armenia Chapter” PO. Chair of the Board since 2023.
Member of “Internet Society” NGO since 2003 and Board member since 2021.
Works at “Internet Technology Center” LLC since 2014.
ICANN78 Fellow, ICANN79 Fellow.
Graduated the University after V. Brusov.
Board member of "Internet Society" NGO, Executive Director, Armenian Union of Operators
Board member of "Internet Society" NGO, Executive Director, Armenian Union of Operators
Member of “Internet Society” NGO since 2019.
Executive Director of the “Armenian Union of Operators” since 2018.
Interdepartmental group member of IGF of the Republic of Armenia.
Graduated the Faculty of foreign languages of Yerevan University of Economy and Law in 2001.
Graduated the Management department of the international scientific and educational center of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia in 2007.
Head of Business Development at “Arpinet” LLC since 2016.
«Led the “Innovative Ethnic Regional Center” of the “Armenian Unity Cross” during 2016-2017.
Head of Educational Programs at “Microsoft” during 2008-2016.
Regularly worked at Uhlberg Advisory GmbH and at other European Union projects, providing e-learning expert services.