Information sources about .AM have been expanded
Armenia is the first country in the region to gain the authority to manage the two-letter...
Responses to different domain management inquiries in APTLD87
What guidelines are provided to ccTLDs for securely managing DNS during cyberattacks...
History of the Internet Society – in Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
Internet Society (NGO) was granted the right to manage the two-letter domain “.am,”...
100 articles focusing on the domain and IT sector were created to commemorate the 30th anniversary of .am
Around 100 Armenian articles were published in 2024, focusing on topics like the...

UADay2025: Advancing IDN, EAI, and New gTLD Opportunities

The Internet Society NGO, an active participant in the global Universal Acceptance movement, is organizing a regional conference in Yerevan for the second time. UADay2025 will take place on March...

Improper content report

How to register a domain in the “.հայ” and “.am” domain zones

  • Make sure that your preferred domain name is available.
  • Get acquainted with the policy and technical requirements for domain name registration in the “.am” and “.հայ” domain name zones.
  • Find your domain registrar from the provided list.
  • To register a domain name, go to the Registrar’s website or visit the office.
  • In the “.am” and “.հայ” domain zones, the domain name is registered for at least 1 year, which can be extended in the 45 days following the expiration of the domain name registration period.

Armenian Internet Governance Forum (ArmIGF)

“Internet Society” NGO, being the Secretariat for the Internet Governance Council of Armenia, since 2015 organizes the annual Armenian Internet...

A global initiative to encourage girls’ participation in ICT

A multinational initiative is called Girls in ICT. It takes place each year. includes a variety of events. The objective...

Internet Governance Armenian School (ArmSig)

Internet Society” NGO launched the Armenian School on Internet Governance (ArmSIG) in 2017 following international trends. ArmSig is an annual...


The Country Code Name Support Organization (ccNSO) is a governing body.

Operates as part of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).

The ccNSO brings together more than 170 registries from around the world listed in the ISO 3166 list, country code top-level domains (ccTLDs).

ccNSO was established in 2003. It provides a platform for ccTLD managers to meet and discuss common issues affecting registries, collaborate and share best practices.

The ccNSO is governed by the council of 18 members. 15 of them are elected from ccNSO member countries, 3 are appointed by the ICANN selection committee.

“Internet Society” NGO, as a manager of top-level “.am” and “.հայ” domains (ccTLD), has been a full right member of CENTR since 2004.
The Council of European Top Level Domain Registries (CENTR) brings together domain managers from European countries. It has 53 full members and 9 associate members.
They are responsible for over 80% worldwide registered domain names. CENTR’s goal is to promote the improvement of registries` ccTLDs work quality, for which it develops appropriate standards, and promotes the dissemination of best practices. Full membership of the Council is opened to domain registrars, corporations and individuals.
Member country managers of the Council of European Top Level Domain Registries (ccTLD) are also independent in terms of different regulations and registration procedures.
CENTR collects and documents the experience of ccTLD registries, supports their exchange in technical, operational and legal directions.

The Internet Society (ISOC) is a global nonprofit organization empowering people to keep the Internet a force for good: open, globally connected, secure, and trustworthy.

The Internet Society supports the growth of the Internet as an international technical infrastructure, a tool to improve people’s lives, and a positive influence on society. The ISOC is looking for opportunities to work together with all organizations and people achieving these objectives.

What does the ISOC do?

  • Building and supporting the communities that make the Internet work;
  • Advancing the development and application of Internet infrastructure, technologies, and open standards;
  • Advocating for policy that is consistent with our view of the Internet.

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers is an American multistakeholder group and nonprofit organization responsible for coordinating the maintenance and procedures of several databases related to the namespaces and numerical spaces of the Internet, ensuring the network’s stable and secure operation. It was formed in 1998.

ICANN’s mission is to help ensure a stable, secure, and unified global Internet.

It promotes competition and develops policy on the Internet’s unique identifiers. Though ICANN is not responsible for the content of the websites, cannot prevent spamming or fishing, and is not the only regulator, it does play a significant role in the growth and development of the Internet through its coordination of the Internet’s name system.

“Internet Society” NGO has been a member of the European IP Address Network Coordination Center (RIPE NCC) since 2010.
RIPE NCC is a non-profit, membership-based organization. It supports the development of Internet infrastructure in Europe, the Middle East and some regions of Central Asia through technical coordination. The organization acts as a Regional Internet Registry (RIR) and provides global Internet resources and related services (IPv4, IPv6 and AS number resources) to members of the specified region.
RIPE NCC members are mainly Internet and telecommunication service providers and large corporations located in Europe, the Middle East and some regions of Central Asia.
The European IP Address Network Coordination Center, being a trusted manager of Internet unique number resources and an open, inclusive, cooperative Internet model, contributes to the development of sustainable and innovative Internet.
The functions of RIPE NCC are:
  • Relationship between governments and industry-related organizations
  • Management of the K-root server, one of the 13 root name servers
  • Routing database deployment
  • Support of ENUM service delivery coordination
  • An unbiased network metric that provides publicly available and authoritative statistics on Internet performance

APTLD (Asia Pacific Top Level Domain Association) is an organisation for ccTLD (country-code Top Level Domain) registries in Asia Pacific region. APTLD was originally established in 1998, and in 2003 legally established in Malaysia.

APTLD serves as a forum for exchanging information about technical and administrative issues affecting domain name registries in the Asia Pacific area. Additionally, APTLD promotes and elevates the participation of AP ccTLDs in these international fora as an interface to other international Internet coordinating bodies, acting in the best interests of APTLD members in the process of determining global Internet policy.

APTLD is a membership-based organization, and those payments support its operations. The main objectives are: To promote skills development and information exchange related to Internet domain names amongst members.

To provide a discussion platform for policy issues impacting entities associated to Internet domain names. To serve as a point of contact for organizations that coordinate the Internet and other groups interested in managing domain names on the Internet.

The “Internet Society” NGO joined the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) “At-Large” (At-Large) structure in 2012.

Around 250 organizations (ALS) and around 120 individuals are members of At-Large. The structure deals with issues of policy regulation of technical management of the domain name system.The objective is to speak for internet users’ interests.

At-Large is a member of the Asia and Pacific Regional Extended Community Organization (APRALO), which is composed of members of civil society, nonprofit and private stakeholder groups.

In order to promote the security, usability, and sustainable growth of the domain name system, APRALO works in tandem with other regional organizations to take action to stop abuse and potential domain combinations.

The Internet Society NGO has been a partner of the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE) since December 2024.

The Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE) is a platform that brings together international efforts to develop and effectively coordinate global cyber capabilities.

Established in 2015 during the Global Conference on Cyberspace in The Hague, GFCE serves as a collaborative platform to enhance and coordinate global cyber capabilities. It facilitates the exchange of knowledge and resources between international organizations, governments, and the private sector, enabling swift responses to cyber threats and challenges while promoting global cybersecurity resilience.

It strives to ensure access to ICT opportunities for everyone in an open, peaceful, and secure digital world.