Internet Socity NGO

The Armenian national domain .հայ is 8 years old

The Armenian national domain .հայ is 8 years old. On May 5, 2016, the .am Registry managed by the Internet Society NGO, launched the .հայ domain as well.

Today marks the eighth anniversary of .հայ domain, established to promote the usage of Armenian language and content on the Internet. Our Organization has dedicated significant efforts to the development of this domain, collaborating with influential international entities in the field, such as the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).

ICANN initiated the Universal Acceptance movement, with the goal of enhancing Internet accessibility for people worldwide in their respective national languages. Numerous technical solutions are being implemented to broaden the scope of using domain names in national languages.

Thanks to the efforts of specialists from the “Internet Society” NGO, the launch of emails with the .հայ domain (for example: անուն@ինտերնետհանրություն.հայ) has become possible, marking an unprecedented achievement.

The ongoing development of technical capabilities aims to further expand the usability of the domain. The Armenian domain .հայ not only represents our country in the digital world, but also effectively addresses significant access and accessibility issues domestically.

It provides the opportunity to circumvent tricky Latin transcriptions of many words (for example, ծաղկաձոր․հայ).
