Internet Socity NGO

The 7th Armenian Internet Governance Forum (ArmIGF-2022) will be held

The 7th Armenian Internet Governance Forum – ArmIGF-2022 is being invited by the interdepartmental group “Armenian Internet Governance forum” on November 10.

An offline and online hybrid format for ArmIGF-2022 will be applied.

It is aimed at all interest groups with an interest in issues of internet regulation.
The participation registration period, which runs from October 3 to November 3, is required. The Armenian Internet Governance Forum is organized by the Ministry of High-Tech Industry of RA, “Internet Society” NGO and “Internet Society Armenia Chapter” PO.
ArmIGF is an open and transparent forum for bringing forward and debating Internet governance-related topics. The talks lead to the formation of problems, and a message with suggestions for their resolution is sent to the appropriate parties.