Internet Socity NGO

"Internet Society" NGO is the Registry of ".հայ" and ".am" Top-Level Domains (ccTLD). It acts on the basis of RA Law "On Non-Governmental Organizations" and the Organization Charter.

"Internet Society" NGO manages the database ".հայ" and ".am" Top-Level Domain based on the agreement signed with the ICANN. Registration of domain names in these zones is carried out through the accredited Registrars.

"Internet Society" NGO is the Secretariat of the Internet Governance Council (IGC), organizing the annual Armenian Internet Governance Forums and the Armenian School of the Internet Governance.

Among the goals of the “Internet Society” NGO is to promote Internet development in the Republic of Armenia.

"Internet Society" NGO cooperates with the Ministry of High-Tech Industry of the Republic of Armenia within the framework of the signed Memorandum of Understanding.